IAB Graduate Programme: “Welfare State and Social Policy”

Date: May 13, 2013 , 09:00 – 17:00,  IAB Nuremberg

Institution: Graduate Programme (GradAB) at the Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nuremberg

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans

The history of the modern welfare state can be traced back to the 19th century when industrialization, urbanization and population growth undercut traditional forms of welfare provision. After World War II the economic growth provided resources for an enormous welfare state expansion. Welfare state policies now face several challenges: European integration leading to ‘semi-sovereign’ welfare states, transition from industrial to service economies, changes in the labour markets (increasing participation of women, migration, decreasing demand for low-skilled labour), and the demographic development. These processes produce more social needs, new risk patterns and higher priority for education and service provision. A look at the policy outcomes raises the question of how greater social justice can be achieved.


  1. Introduction: Historical development of welfare states
  2. Welfare state approaches: public or private? Families, state or market?
  3. Models of welfare state regimes in established and emerging welfare states
  4. Policies around the labour market: unemployment insurance, labour market activation, work accidents and sickness benefits
  5. Policies: Education, health and old-age pensions
  6. Policy outcomes: inequality and poverty

Please register by E-mail sandra.huber@iab.de
