Aims and Topics
The IAB Graduate School’s 5th interdisciplinary Ph.D. workshop on Perspectives on (Un-)Employment endeavours to bring together young researchers from different disciplines. This international workshop will provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their research in a constructive atmosphere, incorporating feedback and advice from a number of experiences researchers. The workshop will focus on, but not be limited to, empirical research in the folowing fields:
- Labour market institutions and policies
- Inequality and education
- Regional disparities
- Labour mobility and dynamics
- Qualification and skills
Keynote speakers
- Prof. Thomas Bauer (Ruhr-University Bochum and RWI-Essen)
- Prof. Markus Gangl (Goethe University Frankfurt)
We invite Ph.D. students to submit an extended abstract or a full paper.
Deadline for submission is July 15th, 2012.
For more information see