VHB-ProDok-Kurs: Managing Interorganizational Relations – Process Views – 16. bis 19. September 2019 in Berlin

Vom 16. bis 19. September 2019 führen Professorin Elke Schüßler (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz) und Professor Jörg Sydow (Freie Universität Berlin) zum zweiten Mal in unserem ProDok-Angebot einen Kurs zum Thema „Advanced Topics in Organization Theory” durch, zu dem wir Sie herzlich einladen. Dieses Mal liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Thema „Managing Interorganizational Relations – Process Views”. Der Kurs findet an der Freien Universität Berlin statt – je nach Interesse der TeilnehmerInnen auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch.

Abstract and Learning Objectives
This doctoral seminar exposes students into advanced theories of organization with a particular focus on process perspectives on the management of interorganizational relations. While interorganizational relations (IOR) are often studied from a rather static, network-analytical perspective or with a focus on bilateral ties, this doctoral seminar is geared towards students that are interested in IOR, in particular of a collaborative nature, as complex process systems that require ongoing practices of their management.

After this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the relevance and forms of IOR in diverse empirical contexts
  • Understand the basic pillars of process theories of organizations and be able to apply this thinking to the context of IOR
  • Understand core challenges and tensions regarding the management of IOR
  • Develop relevant research questions that promise theoretical contributions in the management of IOR

Students should be familiar with „classic” management and organization theories such as the theory of bureaucracy, institutional theory, or contingency theory before taking this course.

Anmeldefrist: 18. August 2019

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