Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: 16. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität (HR-Session, Track 5)

Track 5: Business Management and New Players in Mobility Markets
Service Management von Mobilitätsanbietern, Human Resources Management und neue Mobilität, neue Wettbewerber aus Ostasien
Prof. Dr. Gertrud Schmitz, Lehrstuhl für Dienstleistungsmanagement und Handel
Prof. Dr. Margret Borchert, Lehrstuhl für Personal und Unternehmensführung
Prof. Dr. Markus Taube, Lehrstuhl für Ostasienwirtschaft, Schwerpunkt China

CfP: Chief Executive Officers With A Cause?

Journal: Corporate Governance: An International Review Special Issue on “Chief Executive Officers With A Cause? CEO Activism And Firms’ Governance, Strategy, And Performance”

The objective of this special issue is to advance our understanding of CEO activism and its antecedents and consequences. We therefore invite papers that examine the theoretical domain and measurement of CEO activism, the factors at the individual, board, company, and industry levels that affect the substance and style of CEO activism, and the effects of CEO activism on the governance and strategies of firms and the pursuit and attainment of financial and social goals. We invite theory building and theory testing papers and we are open to the use of any theoretical lens and methodological approach.

Guest Editors:
Jatinder S. Sidhu, University of Leeds, UK
Dimitrios Georgakakis, University of York, UK
Wei Shi, University of Miami, USA
Mariano L.M. Heyden, Monash University, Australia
Albert A. Cannella, Jr., Texas A&M University, USA

CfP: Sustainable HRM and New Ways of Working

Journal: management revue – Socio-Economic Studies

Track Proponents & Guest Editors:
Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark
Konstantina Tzini, CUNEF University Madrid, Spain
Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University Madrid, Spain
Abderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco

Full CfP

  • Deadline:  11 January 2024
  • Full Paper:  30 September 2024

84. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des VHB (5.-8. März 2024) in Lüneburg

Entrepreneurship. Digitalisierung. Nachhaltigkeit.
BWL im Dreiklang der gesellschaftlichen Transformation

Das Streben nach „Impact“ ist und bleibt ein fester Teil der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Welchen Beitrag kann und möchte die Betriebswirtschaftslehre als interdisziplinäres Feld zu gesellschaftlichen Transformationen leisten? Die VHB-Tagung 2024 legt einen Fokus auf die Kernthemen Entrepreneurship, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, mit denen die BWL originäre Beiträge zu breiteren Debatten in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft anstoßen kann. Aktuelle Fragestellungen beziehen sich beispielsweise darauf, wie sich die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft auf den Unternehmenszweck („Purpose“) auswirkt und wie das Erreichen von Nachhaltigkeitszielen durch Digitalisierung als Medium und Entrepreneurship als Veränderungsmechanismus beschleunigt oder erleichtert werden kann.

Wir laden die interessierte Fachcommunity dazu ein, an der VHB-Tagung 2024 teilzunehmen und diese durch ihre Beiträge zu diesen übergeordneten Themen und darüber hinaus mitzugestalten. Beiträge können in Form von Manuskripteinreichungen für die Programme der jeweiligen VHBWissenschaftskommissionen (WKs) erfolgen oder in Form von Vorschlägen für integrative Formate („IWK“), welche den interdisziplinären, WK-übergreifenden Austausch zum übergeordneten Tagungsthema und darüber hinaus auf innovative Weise ermöglichen sollen.

Zum vollständigen Call for Contributions.
Zur Konferenz-Homepage.
Zum Einreichungsportal.
Einreichungsschluss: 8. Oktober 2023.

CfP: 5th Human Resources International Conference, 10-12 January 2024 at the University of Otago, New Zealand

About the conference

We are delighted to welcome Human Resources (HR) scholars and practitioners, from throughout the world, to the 5th Human Resources International Conference (HRIC). This conference is hosted by the Department of Management at the University of Otago in Ōtepoti Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand, in conjunction with the HR Division of the Academy of Management.
The conference will take place from 10 to 12 January 2024 in the Otago Business School, with a series of presentations, professional development workshops and a doctorial consortium. Our theme is „Common Good HRM“.

Call for extended abstracts HRIC

The 5th HRIC offers an opportunity to advance the discussion on Human Resource Management’s (HRM) role in bringing about sustainability and common good within the workplace. Common Good is all about supporting “business leaders and employees in contributing to ecological and social progress in the world” (Aust, Matthews, and Muller-Camen, 2019), with Common Good HRM presenting a future-focused vision for HRM that supports practitioners who want to make a difference. Thus, there is a need for HRM to explore new approaches to practice.

Common good HRM emphasises how it can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by supporting organisations as they attempt to deal with the grand challenges faced by our society. The value of the Common Good approach is that it highlights the salient role HRM can play in dealing with society’s grand challenges, with all the SDGs linking to HRM policy and practice. For example, the goal of eliminating poverty (#1) is clearly linked to rewards, gender equality (#5) to diversity and inclusion, good health and wellbeing (goal #3) to health, safety, and social and psychological wellbeing, decent work and economic growth (goal #8) to recruitment, selection, rewards, training, development and performance management. Although less explicit, goals such as that of responsible consumption and production (#12) can also be addressed through training and performance management initiatives.

Therefore, the conference theme, among other things, seeks to develop our understanding about new HRM approaches which promote solutions to the grand challenges faced by society, and influence stakeholders such as employees, organisations, community, and the environment. This HRIC provides opportunities to share work-in-progress on any current related HRM issue. The conference also presents an opportunity to network with colleagues from academia, industry and government. We welcome paper, symposia, and professional development workshop submissions on a range of topics relevant to the shifting landscape of HRM, and therefore have the following tracks:

  1. Common good HRM
  2. Indigeneity in HRM
  3. International HRM (including cross-cultural perspectives)
  4. Employment Relations
  5. Human Resource Development (HRD)
  6. HR scholar/practitioner nexus
  7. General HRM
  8. Interdisciplinary/practitioner

Deadline for Submissions: 18 August 2023.
Decisions notified: by 22 September 2023.
Submission guidelines and more info on the Conference’s website.

CfP: Conference & Special Issue on Organisations and Social Sustainability at Work

Conference „Empirical Personnel and Organizational Research“ on 9 and 10 November 2023 at the University of Southern Denmark Sønderborg & Special Issue

With the thematic focus, this year’s annual meeting addresses the megatrends of social sustainability and new understandings of quality work for employees. Social sustainability means offering processes for creating successful places that promote well-being by understanding what people need from the places they live and work.

Social sustainability supports social and cultural life, social amenities, citizen and employee engagement opportunities, and space for people and places to evolve as belonging and identity. Social sustainability can be reached by aligning formal and informal processes; systems, structures, and relationships must allow current and future generations to create healthy and durable living. Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse, connected, and democratic and provide a good quality of life. The annual meeting organisers are interested in how organisations of all types can contribute to a social sustainability culture and how these cultures can be organised. Examples of problems, challenges, work practices and initiatives of interest to the conference and social sustainability paradigm are, among other things:

  • The reproduction and production of social closure and exclusion in organisations: starting from cultural and social bias in recruiting, over-performance and promotion management (meritocracy, the seniority principle) to self-exclusion of particular demographic groups, workplaces have the power to divide social groups further – or potentially mend this gap.
  • Private companies are increasingly interested in alternative work standards concerning technological progression: changes include agile, low-hierarchy digitalised workflows, and liberal group and project management, especially in IT and high-tech, but also in other domains.
  • Organisations are increasingly encouraging issues of employee identity, belonging, (mental) health and psychological safety, cultural struggles, and empowerment: such momentum can be explored and evaluated from different perspectives. While ethical considerations (e.g., overcoming racial discrimination) matter, managing employee demands resulting from their identity and belonging and integrating resulting practices in the business and management model (e.g., rewarding employee engagement appropriately) must be equally thought through.
  • The megatrends towards sustainability and new standards of good work have increased the „talk“ about such issues: Organisations have professionalised their public verbiage, installed public corporate persona and otherwise improved their image regarding corporate consciousness and engagement. Team building measures and a focus on good and friendly work milieus are ubiquitous – however, whether or not such measures benefit employees or merely the „new spirit of capitalism“ (Boltanski and Chiapello, 2007) is to be explored.

In addition, contributions that deal with other empirical personnel and organisational research topics beyond the conference topic are also welcome.

Conference dates:
Submission deadline: 30 September 2023.
Registration deadline: 15 October 2023.
Conference: 9 & 10 November 2023.
Conference’s website.
Special Issue dates:
Full paper submission deadline: 28 February 2024.
Publication planned for Issue 4/2024.
View the complete Call for Papers here.

CfP: New Work

Spätestens seit der Corona-Pandemie sind wir gezwungen, Arbeit neu zu denken. Viele nutzen mittlerweile die Optionen des Homeoffice und des flexiblen Arbeitens, Gleitzeitmodelle hatten starre Arbeitszeiten schon vorher abgelöst. Oft werden diese Entwicklungen als „New Work“ bezeichnet, ein Konzept, das bereits seit den 1970er Jahren diskutiert wird und mit dem Anspruch an eine „Arbeit, die man wirklich, wirklich will“ (Frithjof Bergmann) verbunden ist. Welche Auswirkungen hat die Restrukturierung von Arbeit auf die Work-Life-Balance oder auf zentrale gesellschaftliche Fragen wie Angestelltenrechte, den Gender-Pay-Gap, die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie oder auch ökologische Nachhaltigkeit? Wie bewerten jüngere Generationen den Sinn von Arbeit? Welche Vor- und Nachteile sind von der „schönen neuen Arbeitswelt“ zu erwarten? Während die Auswirkungen von „New Work“ weit über die individuelle Arbeit hinausgehen, entwickeln sich durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung neue Branchen und Arbeitsformen, etwa die Plattformarbeit. Mit ihnen wird die Diskrepanz zwischen unterschiedlichen Arbeitsmodellen immer größer, denn sogenannte systemrelevante Branchen wie Pflege oder Landwirtschaft profitieren von solchen Neuerungen kaum.

Für die Ausgabe 46/2023 suchen wir Beiträge, die sich aus unterschiedlichen fachwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven mit dem Thema „New Work“ beschäftigen. Exposés mit einem Umfang von höchstens 4000 Zeichen (1–2 Seiten) können bis zum 12. Juni 2023 per E-Mail eingereicht werden. Aus den Exposés sollen die zugrunde liegenden Leitfragen und die Struktur des Beitrags klar hervorgehen. Bitte fügen Sie auch einen Kurzlebenslauf bei.

Vor der Auswahl der Autorinnen und Autoren durch die APuZ-Redaktion werden alle eingereichten Exposés anonymisiert. Bewertungskriterien sind Originalität, politische Relevanz und Wissenschaftlichkeit. Die Autorinnen und Autoren haben anschließend bis zum 25. September 2023 Zeit, ihre Beiträge im Umfang von etwa 27 000 Zeichen inkl. Leerzeichen und Fußnoten zu schreiben. Diese werden in der Print- wie auch in der Online-Ausgabe der APuZ veröffentlicht.

„Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte“ – die Beilage zur Wochenzeitung „Das Parlament“ – wird von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung herausgegeben. Sie veröffentlicht wissenschaftlich fundierte, allgemein verständliche Beiträge zu zeitgeschichtlichen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Themen sowie zu aktuellen politischen Fragen. Die Zeitschrift ist ein Forum kontroverser Diskussion, führt in komplexe Wissensgebiete ein und bietet eine ausgewogene Mischung aus grundsätzlichen und aktuellen Analysen. Sie fungiert als Scharnier zwischen Wissenschaft, politischer Bildung und breiter Öffentlichkeit.

Deadline Exposé: 12. Juni 2023.
Deadline Beitrag: 25. September 2023.
Zum vollständigen Call for Papers.

CfP for Special Issue: Trust in Uncertain Times

Trust has become one of the most widely researched topics in organization studies (de Jong, et al., 2017). Often broadly understood as the willingness to make oneself vulnerable to the actions of another party (Mayer, et al., 1995; Rousseau, et al., 1998), trust plays a central role in virtually all intra- and inter-organizational interactions. Prior research suggests that trust can alleviate concerns of opportunism, which reduces inter-partner conflict and transaction costs (Anderson, et al., 2017; Zaheer, et al., 1998). Although the study of trust represents a long-standing area of inquiry in organization studies, several recent technological advancements and geopolitical developments have dramatically changed the landscape in which trust is embedded, pointing to the need for a re-examination and extension of earlier accounts.

Perhaps most notably, the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution (Schwab, 2017) is fundamentally altering both economic transactions and social exchange (Meyer & Quattrone, 2021). Supported by unprecedented degrees of connectivity and processing of vast amounts of data (Hanelt, et al., 2021), digital technologies provide significant opportunities to re-design work and develop more open, flexible, and scalable organizing; however, their fast development and complexity also create considerable uncertainty for organizations. Digital technologies are transforming the nature of human interactions (Iansiti & Lakhani, 2020), with profound impacts on organizations, organizing, and the organized (Alaimo, forthcoming). Specifically, there are reasons to believe that digital technologies may cause trust to become more institution-based (Lumineau, et al., 2020), with formal mechanisms substituting for a history of interpersonal exchange as the source of trust. For instance, digital platforms facilitate trust between strangers (Abrahao, et al., 2017; Kuwabara, 2015; Mikołajewska-Zając, et al., forthcoming), blockchains can automate agreements with unknown partners (Hsieh, et al., 2018; Lumineau, et al., 2021), and artificial intelligence (AI) helps in assessing partners’ trustworthiness (Liu, et al., 2014). As a result, trust may become comparatively less personal (Seidel, 2018; Vanhala, et al., 2011) and more embedded in the institutional environment (Bachmann & Inkpen, 2011).

These technological developments come amidst unprecedented levels of geopolitical uncertainty and an accelerated decline of trust in institutions (Citrin & Stoker, 2018). Thought of as a relic from the past, a new cold war seems to be possible again. The Russian invasion of Ukraine exemplifies how key tenets of the economic world order—such as globalisation, free trade, and democracy—are more fragile than many assumed. What is more, China has emerged as a new superpower that is increasingly demanding its share of the global system of power and influence, leading to tensions and new challenges. The world has been massively shaken by a pandemic that has demonstrated the instability of trust in the absence of strong institutions (Fancourt, et al., 2020) while highlighting the critical need for various forms of trust in times of distress (Schilke, et al., 2021). In parallel, climate change will force humanity to completely rethink our energy sourcing, with a substantial impact on almost every industry, transportation, and private consumption, and trust in reliable institutions may represent a critical mechanism supporting proenvironmental behaviour that could address this challenge (Smith & Mayer, 2018).

Our theories of trust in organizations and processes of organizing need to reflect these transformative changes. Against this background, we believe it is both important and timely to
reassess the role of trust in intra- and inter-organizational settings to better understand how
relevant contemporary developments affect and are affected by trust. The ongoing disruptive
technological, political, and societal changes that are affecting organizations call for revisiting
the very concept of trust, along with its consequences and the processes that underly its
development, maintenance, and repair.


The objective of this Special Issue is to serve as a focal point for theory development on and
empirical insights into the various ways in which trust and uncertainty intersect, with a special
emphasis on the role of institutions in explaining the interface between the two.


The Special Issue invites submissions that make substantial contributions to our understanding of trust in organized settings. We embrace a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. The range of theoretical orientations may include institutional, structurationist, ethnomethodological, sociomaterial, phenomenological, and beyond. Diverse methodological approaches are welcome, including case studies, experiments, secondary data analyses, and surveys. Purely conceptual papers, empirical investigations, and combinations of theoretical and empirical research will also be considered. Our interest is directed toward trust at various analytical levels (i.e., micro, meso, and macrolevels), as long as organizations or organizing have a central place in the analysis. At the micro level, for instance, we find it worthwhile to revisit the role of ‘facework’ (Giddens, 1990), boundary work (Weber, et al., forthcoming), and rituals (Collins, 2004; Krishnan, et al., 2021) in organizational settings, as such analyses will be clearly geared toward a better understanding of the relationship between trust and institutional arrangements in uncertain contexts.

Below, we list a total of nine exemplary research topics that we believe will provide useful springboards for contributions that fit the scope of the special issue. However, submissions do not have to be limited to these themes.

Potential Research Topics [more details of each of them in the full Call for Papers]

  • Uncertainty and trust
  • A broader understanding of institution-based trust
  • Platform-enabled institutions and trust
  • Micro-level mechanisms of the trust and institutions nexus
  • Trust of meso-level institutions
  • Macro-level institutions and trust
  • Institutionalisation of trust
  • Erosion of trust in institutions
  • Digital technologies and trust

Guest Editors:

  • Oliver Schilke
  • Reinhard Bachmann
  • Kirsimarja Blomqvist
  • Rekha Krishnan
  • Jörg Sydow

Deadline for submission: 30 June 2023.
View the complete Call here.

CfP: Minitrack on “Digitalization of Work“ at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024

We cordially invite you to submit your work to the Minitrack (it will be our third time) on the “Digitalization of Work“ at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024, planned to take place at the beautiful island of Maui in January 2024!

We anticipate submissions including (but not limited to) the following topics:

Employee Relations

  • Motivating the future digital workforce
  • Work-life-balance, work-life separation, and work-life-blending
  • Dealing with mental health issues in digitized work
  • Dealing with social isolation in digitized work
  • Dealing with the digital divide from a temporal and spatial perspective
  • Temporary groups (pick-up groups) transforming into long-term team
  • Intercultural communication and intercultural challenges

Human Resource Management

  • Distant leadership and management of the digitalized workforce
  • The implications of AI and algorithmic leadership
  • Leadership for cloud-worker, click-worker, crowd-worker, and digital nomads
  • Gamification of performance measurements in digital work
  • Balancing self-leadership and intrinsic motivation with self-exploitation
  • Empowerment and motivation of the employees digitally
  • Skill development, learning, and talent identification in the digital environment
  • The design of virtual recruiting (e.g., gamified assessment center, virtual onboarding)
  • Establishing human automation resource management in the organization

Digital Work

  • Digital professions and practices
  • Balancing trust and surveillance in digital work and remote work
  • Augmentation of the work interface
  • Utilization of big data to empowering the digital employees
  • Platformization of digital work
  • Digitalized professions and work forms

Virtual and borderless organization

  • Foster (open) innovation and intrapreneurship
  • Fostering an organizational culture, work climate, commitment, and retention in a virtual organization
  • Dissolution of company borders into the borderless organization
  • Employee participation, collaboration, workers councils, and unions in a global digital world
  • Avoiding the digital Taylorism and tackling the power shift in the new work forms
  • Establishing employee-focused strategies and creating a sustainable business model
  • Professionalization of a hybrid workplace
  • Juridical and regulatory issues concerning remote and digitalized work
  • The role of the HR department in this digital world

There are several mini-tracks related to this call, and we all coordinate. They include Games & Gaming (in Digital and Social Media), Gamification (in Decision Analytics and Service Science), Streaming Media in Entertainment (in Digital and Social Media), Esports (in Internet and the Digital Economy), Game-based Learning (in Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems), and the Metaverse (in Organizational Systems and Technology).


  • Tobias Scholz, University of Siegen
  • Juho Hamari, Tampere University
  • Stephanie Orme, Emmanuel College
  • Brian McCauley, Jönköping University

View the detailed Call for papers here.
View the guide for authors here.
Deadline for submission of papers: 15 June 2023.
Conference date: 03 to 06 January 2024.

CfP: Annual Leibniz ScienceCampus Conference (30 Nov & 01 Dec in Regensburg): Sustainability and firm performance in Europe and the Americas

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set a global roadmap for reducing inequality, improving institutions, and enhancing economic growth while tackling climate change. This brings both opportunities and challenges for firms worldwide, ranging from technological development and reorganization of value chains in response to the green energy transition to the implementation of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). This conference will take a closer look at firm-level sustainable behavior, its drivers, costs, and benefits. Following the SDGs, we focus on different aspects of sustainability, including but not limited to institutional frameworks, inequality, and the environment. Our aim is to generate a better understanding of the role of sustainability in firm behavior and performance. We use a broader definition of „firms“ and their performance that includes looking at profits, employment, corporate social responsibility, and ethics issues while focusing on firms of all sizes from individual entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to multinational corporations.

The conference topics include (but are not limited to) the following key questions:

  • Firm-level factors shaping the sustainable and energy-efficient behavior
  • The effects of sustainability on firm profitability, employment, and overall performance
  • Issues of corporate social responsibility
  • Governance and management of firms’ sustainable behavior in different industries
  • Non-financial reporting of companies and the related national and global standards
  • Firm-level perspectives on financing energy transition and green growth
  • The role of social, ethical, and institutional factors in firms’ sustainable behavior

We welcome applications, regardless of discipline, that address these or related topics using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Comparative perspectives between Europe and the Americas are particularly welcome.


  • Olga Popova, IOS (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies)
  • Thomas Steger, Universität Regensburg

The conference language is English. There is no conference fee.
Accommodation in Regensburg for one author of each accepted paper will be provided by the organizers. Early career researchers and presenters with a lack of travel support from their own institution are also welcome to enquire about contributions towards travel costs.

Deadline for extended abstract submission: 01 May 2023.
Notification of acceptance: 01 June 2023.
Deadline for submission of full papers: 01 November 2023.
Conference homepage.
The complete CfP.