COST Action IS1311 – Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe – Annual Training School 2017

Dortmund 6th – 9th June 2017

As indicated in its Memorandum of Understanding, COST Action IS1311: Intergenerational Family Solidarity Across Europe-INTERFASOL foresees the organization of several training schools, programmed to provide structured training in theoretically-guided empirical research in social sciences and policy on the field of family intergenerational solidarity. The global objective is to develop interdisciplinary research capacity, to advance scientific understanding across Europe on the importance and impact of intergenerational family solidarity across generations in priority domains of life. It is also intended to contribute to the development of high quality future intergenerational family solidarity programmes and research and plan new research pathways.

The INTERFASOL annual training schools provide the most up-to-date knowledge and methods in this field, putting a strong emphasis on research methods for social sciences and offering interdisciplinary activities with a focus on policy issues. These are international programmes and therefore all courses are in English. Participants can expect a series of lectures by leading international scholars.

Program for the 2017 Edition

Core Courses
Theme: Care as fulfillment or burden? Family support and the reconciliation of care and life within different contexts

  • Care in Context ( Prof. Marjolein Broese van Groenou, VU University Amsterdam & Prof. Ellen Verbakel, Radboud University, Nijmegen)
  • Care and Health (Judith Kaschowitz, TU Dortmund & Melanie Wagner, MPISOC Munich);
  • Care and Work (Prof. Monika Reichert & Sarah Hampel, TU Dortmund);
  • Productivity and Care from a Life Course Perspective (Dr. Morten Wahrendorf, University of Düsseldorf & Prof. Martina Brandt, TU Dortmund)

The trainers will share insights into their ongoing research in the respective areas. More information can be found at their personal websites (please follow the hyperlinks above).

Morning session
Part 1
Presentation of the trainers research fields related to intergenerational family solidarity (INTERFASOL): focus on concepts, methods, instruments and research paradigms.

Part 2
Trainer’s illustrations of a corpus of researches (questions, methods, instruments, results) focused on INTERFASOL interest.

Afternoon session
Part 1
Trainees’ sub-groups sessions discuss their own ongoing research or current work linked to the action theme. Each trainee will be given the opportunity to introduce and discuss her/his work based on the abstract attached in the application form.

Part 2
During the second part of the afternoon, trainees present the results of their discussions in a plenary session. The trainer of the day’s session comments the presented results.

Who can apply?
PhD students and Early Stage Researchers (ESR). The Training Schools will also be open to the Action members and selected experts.
Trainees come from European COST countries, or from an approved NNC (see the list of eligible countries).

During the Training Schools, the trainees will have the opportunity to present their research work for discussion (strongly encouraged); the alternative is to make a short presentation, having later a moment for personal and short feedback by the Trainers.

Financial Support for Trainees
According to COST H2020 VADEMECUM (pp. 24-25), a financial support is possible for a maximum of 20 Trainees who wish to apply to it. Trainees who do not require financial support are also very welcome. The selection of the granted applicants is based on the application documents and form, which must clearly comply with the overall objectives of the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding available in Also, kindly note that, at all times, you all allowed to participate at your own expenses, after informing the Training School Coordinator accordingly.

The following funding conditions will apply to the 20 selected applicants and must be respected: A maximum grant of EUR 500 will be awarded

Prior the Training School, Trainees must register on e-COST: .

How to apply?
Applicants must apply for participation on the Training School. Additionally, applicants can also apply for Financial Support. Trainees who wish to apply for financial support, should indicate so in the application form. Please note that it is mandatory to send your application if you wish to be a Trainee in the INTERFASOL Training School 2017, regardless of applying to Financial Support.

The applicant is responsible for filling in the form online .

The selection of applicants is based on the application which must clearly comply with the overall objectives of the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding available in

When to apply?
The current call is open from March 25th till April 16th 2017. Feedback will be given until April 30th 2017. The Training School will take place from the 6th till the 9th of June 2017.
For more Information please, contact Management Committee Chair rof Anne Marie Fontaine, email: fontaine [at] or Training School Coordinator Prof Willy Lahaye, email: willy.lahaye [at]

Annual Training School 2017 Online Application Form
Call for applications