Call for Papers: SKM Symposium and CBSM Conference

Call for Papers

8th SKM Symposium
jointly held with the
2nd Conference on Competence‐based Strategic Management
“Competence‐based Management in Cross‐border Settings:
Organizational Learning, Strategy, and Governance”
September 18th ‐ 20th, 2013; Magdeburg (Germany)

Competence-based strategic management (CBSM) employs an idiosyncratic perspective on designing and implementing processes to foster competence building and leveraging on the individual level, the group level, and the (inter-) organizational level. Rapid environmental changes – e.g. a growing convergence of customer needs, more and more close linkages between national markets, the ongoing development of IT, a changing role of distance in cross-border business activities as well as a growing importance of service orientation in business – cause a need for firms to react to these developments. The aim of this conference is to shed light on these particular competence-development processes that help firms to deal with environmental changes from different perspectives.

Deadline for abstract submission is May 31st, 2013.

Further Information